La ruta de un psicópata 1989


Sick young man drives around in his daddy's camper, looking for lone stray females to kidnap, torture, rape, and murder.

Alle Titel
  • IT: Paura nel buio Paura nel buio
  • HU: A Stopposok Reme A Stopposok Reme
  • HU: A stopposok réme A stopposok réme
  • IT: Camper Camper
  • NO: Hitcher in the dark Hitcher in the dark
  • ES: Asesino de la carretera 2 Asesino de la carretera 2
  • US: Fear in the Dark Fear in the Dark
  • US: Hitcher in the Dark Hitcher in the Dark
  • IT: Return of the Hitcher Return of the Hitcher
  • IT: Hitcher in the Dark Hitcher in the Dark
  • : Hitcher 2 Hitcher 2
Release 05 Jun 1989
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